Jeune, les gens n’étaient que des ombres sans visages, s’animant étrangement dans mon monde intérieur.

Impossible d’accéder à leurs émotions, ils n’étaient que mystère, troubles.

Fascinants, beaux, et inaccessibles.

En grandissant, j’apprends à percevoir l’âme des gens à travers leurs yeux, leur corps, leur attitude.

J’apprends à connecter avec mes semblables, sincèrement et profondément.

Mes photos sont attirées par les silhouettes mystérieuses et les regards purs.

I am a loner.

All the time I don’t spend on interacting with people, I spent it by over-observing the world. And I find it beautiful. I hope you will feel that when looking at my photos, this constant poetry that surrounds us.

This world may not be perfect, but it is full of beauty.

And all these mysterious people in it, what’s their story? How do they feel? They look strange, and it mesmerizes me.

Weird is beautiful.

I am starving for human connection.

I love bonding with people, exploring new scenes and cultures.

And as i like bonding with them, I also thrive creating gap between cultures, communities, or just humans.

Digging into people’s most natural and primal instincts allows me to stop thinking and just feel alive.

I hope you will see that in my pictures, the soul of people you would like to get to know.

Curiosity for our human brothers and sisters.


Why ?

Photography helps me discovering the world’s mystery, people’s beautiful weirdness, what makes them unique.

I like to observe, and connect.

La photographie me permet de découvrir une partie du mystère du monde, du mystère des gens, un peu de ce qui les rend uniques.

J’aime observer, et connecter.


Prints available, discussions opened for book editing, special events coverage, or reportages.